A common question we get, particularly for our Webparts for IBM Cognos, is what desktop/laptop browser do we recommend.
Part of answering that question is understanding the trends for computing platforms/OS and browsers. A complicating factor is that corporate browser use is biased towards Internet Explorer – particularly for organizations that have developed web applications in house and/or are heavy users of 3rd party web applications like IBM Cognos – where consumer use is free to follow the latest browser/web site technology.
Having said that, the information provided here is based on market information largely based on overall (consumer + corporate) use.
Computing/OS trends
Here we can see the change in the last year for Windows and Mac OS, the biggest change being the drop in XP has been picked up mostly by Windows 7.
Source: Operating System Market Share – netmarketshare.com
Desktop & Tablet Browser Trends
Source: SitePoint