Announcing: IBM Cognos Analytics 11 & SharePoint 2016!
QueryVision Web Parts for IBM Cognos 2016.1
Dynamically resize IBM Cognos Content in SharePoint
Reports are typically designed to maximize the information packed onto a single display or screen. Unfortunately that can make it difficult to embed in a SharePoint page along with the SharePoint menus and other application content without resorting to lots of scroll-bars. And even if you can tweak the height and width manually in SharePoint, that goes out the window when the user drills down, drills-through or changes the report – all of which can change the height and/or width
QueryVision Autosizing provides dynamic re-sizing of the embedded report in SharePoint, including a toolkit to allow developers to expand the space on the page for the report. For more information:
Introducing Autosizing on YouTube
Autosizing Introduction and Resources
New Videos
Unlike other solutions, QueryVision's architecture supports connections to multiple Cognos servers, which when used with our flexible Authentication design and Smart Links features lets you mix and match Intranet, Extranet and Internet Apps. As a bonus it makes upgrading your SharePoint app to a new Cognos Server a snap. For all our videos, see:
Support for multiple Cognos servers
Update your SP App to a new Cognos Server