QueryVision Web Parts for IBM Cognos – Guide to Documentation

Description: The PDF version of this document

Description: Installation and Configuration guide for the web parts

Description: Details on installing and configuring the Trusted Sign on Provider required for the SSO Dynamic authentication technique, including which file version to use depending on the Java JRE used by IBM Cognos

Description: A collection tips and tricks and lessons learned to correctly install and configure IBM Cognos Analytics 11

Description: Release specific information

Description: Highlight what is new and changed (and supported) – with an entry for each release

Description: In depth guide to using optimizing the SharePoint pages containing IBM Cognos content using the QueryVision Autosizing toolkit

Description: Samples of IBM Cognos Reports with embedded autosizing JavaScript, and JavaScript to be used with the SharePoint Script Editor Web Part to hide/show and change CSS parameters to dynamically optimize SharePoint page layout